Fighting to make Virginia an affordable place for all.

Virginians work hard day in and day out to make ends meet and build a better future for themselves and their families. 

Unfortunately, the rising cost of things like groceries, health care, child care and rent is holding too many families back. Virginians deserve representatives in Congress who will fight to keep these costs down so that all families have the tools and opportunities they need to build a good life.

That’s why we at Affordable Virginia are fighting to hold Congresswoman Jen Kiggans accountable for neglecting the needs of Virginians. We want her to stop putting corporations ahead of families in Virginia.

Congresswoman Jen Kiggans’ puts corporations ahead of families in Virginia.

Instead of working to lower the cost of living, Kiggans has voted to: 

Cut funding for

veteran’s benefits

Protect wealthy

corporate tax cheats

Limit access to

Social Security &

Medicare for seniors

Cut programs Virginians

depend on, raising the

cost of things like food

and health care

Call Rep. Kiggans and ask her to start fighting for working families, not corporations and the wealthy. (757) 364-7650